
Recent Photographs

May 19th 2023 - Santolo Beach

Today I go with my *uncle* to [Santolo Beach](https://maps.app.goo.gl/MAnPv5793LjFGwJg6) located in West Java, at Cikelet - Garut to be exact. This wasn't on my plan, this is spontan calls from my uncle because he wanted to go on a semi long-trip but can be achieved within a day. So I go ther...

October 3rd 2023 - Alun-alun Cicalengka

I have a thought of doing 30-days-take-photo challange and this is actually the 3rd day since I started the first day at 1st October. It was good and now I am trying to continue. Most of the pictures is on my instagram. Another thing is that I am trying to build my own preset so that I have cons...